Friday, November 11, 2011

Quit Smoking Today

Top 10 Reasons To Quit Smoking!

Hi there, how are you today?How many of you out there have ever wandered what it would be like to quit smoking cigarettes? Every day thousands and thousands of people are still smoking cigarettes even though they know the potential risks and hazards. When you quit smoking, not only are you helping to save your body, but also, you will be amazed at what it can do to your whole outlook on life.

Literally, it is like a whole new world when you make that step and finally conquer your cigarette addiction! Now I have made a small list of some of the best reasons to quit smoking, but the actual amount of reasons could never fit on just one page, so here we go.

Reason #1:  Right off the start you will drastically reduce your risk for a heart 
attack or a stroke!

Reason #2: With no more toxins entering your body and lungs, your chances
for getting lung cancer, emphysema, and other lung diseases are reduced.

Reason #3:  Just imagine what life will be like when you can smell everything
so much crisper! Your clothes will smell better, along with your house, your
car, and even your breath and hair. It’s a whole new smelling experience you 
don’t want to miss!

Reason #4: Get ready to run that mile you never thought would be possible. 
after some time of having quit cigarettes you’ll notice so many things you can
do and not feel like your going to fall over or pass out!  All those flights of 
stairs will eventually be a a walk in the park.

Reason #5: When you quit smoking, some wrinkles that have formed on the 
skin will start to fade leaving you looking younger and healthier. You might 
have to ask yourself just how old you are again!

Reason #6: Have you ever woke up in the morning hacking, coughing, and 
gagging? This will be a ritual of the past soon after quitting because your 
passages and airways slowly begin to open farther than they ever could and 
there is no more tar and toxins entering your lungs anymore.

Reason #7: If you have any children in your home, you will drastically reduce
the number of coughs, sicknesses, and even some earaches your child will 
have to go through.

Reason #8: Your overall energy level will be at a much greater percentage 
than ever before, allowing you to perform several different physical activities
involving running, sports, hiking, and anything else strenuous that you could
not achieve before.

Reason #9: Just think of all the things you could do with the money you spend
on cigarettes now! After quitting smoking cigarettes for one year, you could 
probably take a small vacation and have some left over! Its crazy if you think 
about it!

Reason #10: Your physical and mental state will be In the best shape they ever
have. You’ll be able to think clearer, respond quicker, and be just straight up 
better. You will be able to actually take control over your life and see things
in a view like you never thought possible

That’s just 10 of the reasons to quit smoking! There are literally thousands of
reasons to quit smoking, so just keep your head up, and a strong will, and all
these things can be possible

Tips and Tricks On How To Quit Smoking!

When you start to quit smoking, start off slowly and try to make it there eventually.
don’t just go cold turkey. This method seems to rarely work and just causes a
worse effect on a person’s body. First off, set your goals low, try to quit for a day
and see how that goes. If it goes well try two days. Next, maybe try a week! If you
can, just keep going further and further and before you know it, you won’t need
a cigarette anymore! Another good way to quit is to figure out things you can
do to occupy the areas of your life where a cigarette would come into play, for
example ( While driving, after eating, just waking up, before going to bed, while
drinking coffee or alcohol, socializing, and many others. It might be difficult to
find substitutes for all occasions, but the idea is to train your mind to do
“something else “ that is enjoyable to take the place where a cigarette would
normally be smoked. Chew some gum, carry a pencil to put in your fingers, act
like your taking puffs to mimic actual smoking, do some push ups when you
feel like you want a cigarette and fight it. Either way, it is very difficult to quit
smoking, but with a little hard work, effort, training, and planning, it could very
well be in your near future.

What Happens When You Quit Smoking?

1. 20 minutes after you quit smoking, your blood pressure will decrease
and then return to normal

2. After 8 hours or so, carbon monoxide levels will return to normal

3. When 48 hours go by, almost all nicotine will be gone and
your heart attack risk will reduce dramatically

4. In 2 weeks time, blood circulation will get better and better

5. At about 6 months, you’ll be able to breathe much easier
and have more lung capacity

6. In 1 year, heart attack dangers are reduced

7. After 5 years your stroke risk will just as equal to
the risk of a non smoker

8. After 10 years go by, your risk for lung cancer is just
as equal the risk of an non smoker

9. Congratulations! After 15 years your risk of a heart
attack is just as equal to a non smoker

Here's Some Links That Might Help!

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